Amarillo and Alibates in Texas!

Amarillo and Alibates in Texas!

Amarillo Texas home of the 72 ounce steak challenge and nearby Alibates National Monument. Spoiler we didn’t even attempt it.

Amarillo, Texas

Arrival to Amarillo

We quickly setup camp at the Big Texan RV Ranch and headed to the Big Texan Restaurant for an early dinner.

Swank digs at The Big Texan RV Ranch

The Big Texan

We enjoyed mixed company with dinner
Target Practice with a Surly Cast

The Steak Challenge

72 oz of steak, 1 potato, and 3 grilled shrimp must be eaten in 1 hour or you owe $72. The steak must be eaten from a table in the center of the room on a stage. The entire experience is broadcast on YouTube. Needless to say we just weren’t hungry enough to even attempt it.

The Author contemplating death by coronary

Alibates National Monument

We crossed 1300 miles on our trip odometer on our way to the Flint Quarries National Monument!

Alibates Flint Quarries National Monument

Alibates Flint Quarries National Monument hosts free tours of the protected site. Our boys love the Junior Ranger program.

Private Tour with Ranger Ben

13,000 years ago, this site was inhabited an ancient people who hunted wooly mammoths with the flint rocks quarried from the 1.5 square mile site.

Centuries later the rock was used as a trading currency by the Antelope people and it made it’s way all over the United States via ancient trading routes.

Flint Rock from the Ancient Quarry

After completing their activity book the boys were ready to stamp their passports and earn their badges.

The boys being sworn in

Now we are off to the Great Sand Dunes , Colorado!

profile picture of austintsmith
